Ivy is Cinte

SaLSa, StILeTTos, BOOks, TraVELlingS, BoYs aNd EveRYthINg eLSe in BetWEen.

Friday, October 17, 2014

DIY Underground River trip, Palawan, The Philippines

We booked our one way ticket to Puerto Princesa from KK with Maswings. Unfortunately, our flight not only been cancelled but also discontinued 14 days before our trip. As this flight is our first flight for our 2 weeks holiday, we didnt have choice but to find another option to go to Palawan. 

So we booked our flight with Cebu Pacific, KK-Manila-Coron, since they didn't have direct so we decided to go to Coron first, take ferry to El Nido and ended our trip in Puerto Princesa. And again, unfortunately, we cancelled Coron from our list (even though we already booked the flight) because of all scary story we found on the internet.

After a lot of research, we found out that ferry to El Nido has been terminated, which mean tourist have to take bangka to El Nido which is 8 hours in the open water. Since its also typhoon season we really didnt dare to try. So we bought another plane ticket from Manila to Puerto princesa.

 (El-Nido-Coron bangka just a little big bigger but not big enough for 8 hours trip)

We arrived in Puerto princesa at 9am on saturday morning. We took tricyle at the airport which supposed to cost 70 pesos. We told him that we want to go to City Coliseum to get our underground river permit but he insisted we go through tour. So we stop at tour office and they asked 1500 pesos per pax which of cos we declined.


(Just go to main road to get Jeepney, cheaper option)

When we arrived at city coliseum the office was empty and we didnt have to wait at all. We get our Underground River permit after 5min and it cost us 500 pesos for 2 which we have to pay at Sabang Wharf later. Underground River Park management enforced a strictly "NO PERMIT, NO ENTRY" policy, so if you want to DIY your trip, you better get everything ready. It is also advisable to go to underground river as early as you can since there only give 600 permit per day to visitor. Even during typhoon season there's a lot of local tourist around.


After we get our permit, we went to San Jose terminal to booked for our minivan to Sabang the next day. There is a lot of operator to choose but we use Lexus Shuttle since they have website with timing and all and its seems reliable.  So we booked 8am van to Sabang wharf (its 2 hours journey from Puerto Princesa to Sabang) and also 2pm van to El Nido (6 hours journey from Sabang to El-Nido) right after we finished our underground river trip. Lexus van stop near to wharf and in front of row of restaurant. If you didn't have lunch you can take one at the restaurant which is buffet for 200 pesos per pax.

We need to register and pay our permit at management office at Sabang wharf. After that we've been direct to bangka station which where they will arrange everybody to make their bangka payment and show their designated bangka. One bangka can accommodate up to 6 person for 700 pesos. Since its only 2 of us, we shared with other people and paid 300 pesos.

(Management office where we pay our permit)

(Paying for bangka)

It was raining when we get there and sea was a bit rough. We took 20mins bangka ride to the beach and after that a 5 mins walk through the jungle to the cave entrance. This is where the underground river start. We were equipped with life jacket and helmet. Our paddle boat driver were also act as our tour guide.

(Awaiting bangka to go back to Sabang Wharf)

(Engineer on Vacation)

(Underground river cave entrance)

So basically this is what we paid for underground river trip :
1. Underground river permit = 500 (for 2 pax)
2. Enviroment fee                 = 80
3. Minivan                           = 400 (for 2 pax, one way)
4. Bangka to cave entrance  = 300 (for 2 pax since we sharing) (700 for one bangka)
                           Total        = 1280 (we saved 1720 pesos for DIY instead of 3000 pesos)

(Permit fee paid at Sabang wharf)

(Environment fee)

(1500 pesos for 2 pax. 400 for PP-Sabang, 1100 for Sabang-El Nido)

Our underground river trip wasnt as good as we hope since it was raining and the water was murky. We've been to Tam Coc Vietnam before and end up didn't feel anything special about this place. But since Underground River is one of the new 7 wonder of nature, its deserved to be check. Just don't go during typhoon season like us. January to June is the best time to visit.