Ivy is Cinte

SaLSa, StILeTTos, BOOks, TraVELlingS, BoYs aNd EveRYthINg eLSe in BetWEen.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Majlis Nikah ~ Continue

It felt like ages i didn't write anything in this blog. I've been caught up with so many things after our Bali trip right after the wedding. Its been 19 days since i became Mrs David and i didn't feel anything change so much. 

So whats new? My solemnization story got the highest ranking at the moment with all of my friend at my side and felt sorry for what happening to us and they even suggested that we report this imam to JAWI. One of my friend post my story in a forum and from there i can see all the funny comments when stranger who don't even know why, when, who, where and how as a start, support, slammed and advise. As usual people tend to be ignorance, don't even try to understand the situation and come out with their opinion which they think RIGHT.  I don't really care but at one point i do feel like celebrity. Of cos there's only few people who at my side and most go against me. I've been labeled as "jahil" and i don't mind, because all i want to show is the attitude of the people who is highly religious, full with knowledge and represent Islamic center or in other words, "ALIM ULAMAK". 

One comment even goes, "Tapi kalau ikut hukum, orang haid apatah lagi orang kafir tak boleh masuk kawasan utama solat" So im jahil, and you are not? Wow, i was surprised to read this, she dont even know that non muslim can enter mosque. tsk tsk

She also said "Asal nak buka aib jurunikah, tak semena-mena dia pun terlondeh". I never have any intention to open that imam "Aib", my story was about my personal feelings, what i have experienced and i try to warn other so this bad experienced wont happen to the rest. I have been label as jahil because i use strong words in my entry. But all this so called smart ass says i'm BAD because i use strong words to go against the imam and they don't even think that i might be upset, frustrated and regret that something which supposed to be a good start been ruin by this kind of attitude which coming from imam and not from someone jahil. They failed to see that this "alim ulamak" imam, sit at one corner, sulking and threaten to go back because he's angry. They failed to see that what he did is wrong, give bad names to islamic center and he didn't represent islam, which we try to portray as the best religion. The matsalleh already have bad idea about islam and thanks to him for showing them what they think is right.  So yea..bravo!!

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