Ivy is Cinte

SaLSa, StILeTTos, BOOks, TraVELlingS, BoYs aNd EveRYthINg eLSe in BetWEen.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What to do In Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh is dusty, dirty and only local can understand their traffic system. If its raining heavily you definitely cant walk on the street since they don't have drainage and its flooded the road. Their street were numbered which i find out easy to follow moreover we almost walking to everywhere in Phnom Penh. All the places of interest are within 1-2km radius from the city centre. 

In my opinion, nothing much you can do in Phnom Penh since all the temples concentrated in Siem Reap. We've been visiting:

1. Independent Monument

2. Royal Palace & Silver Pagoda
~ When we reach there, we've been told that we can only visit silver pagoda since royal palace closed and only re-open next year. They didn't stated the reason why. Visitor are required to wear proper clothes to enter. 
 (Royal Palace taken from outside)
(Royal palace at night)
 (inside silver pagoda)

3. National Museum
~ If you first touch down in Phnom Penh and heading to Siem Reap next, national museum is a good start. It served as introductory to Cambodian temples. If you coming from siem reap, skip this since you already see's all. 
(love the architecture,pic are allowed in this area but not inside museum)

4. Genocide Museum
~ This is by far the most interesting eerie place i have been to in my life. This school turn prison during khmer rouge regime and now museum for us all to see what they did to khmer people. I got goose bump the whole time im in there and still have it every time i think about it. My prayers goes to all the victim of khmer rouge. 

 (picture of every suspect taken)
 (bed where they've been tortured)
 (wooden cell)
(brick cell)
 (after the died from torture)
(the bad guys)

5. Killing field 
~ This where the mass grave have been found. 

(killing tools)

After my visit to both genocide and killing field, i stop by to street vendor selling books and grab this 2 books which claim to be famous. Its a story by khmer victims itselves. 

6. Riverfront
~ If you looking for proper and happening place to eat, riverfront is the place. They have lot of bars and few clubs here. We have our dinner almost every night at this area and it was quite good. 
 (My bf love the Khmer curry which is a little too sweet for me)

7. Market
~ Phnom Penh have a lot of market and we manage to check few of them. Russian market sells clothes, shoes, bags and souvenirs. As a tourist i like this place better than other market because of the souvenir. Central market sells everyday need, from clothes, raw material, fishes etc but not so much souvenir. There's a lot of fake designer clothes and bags sold here. Olympic market is more like a wholesaler market, focusing on clothes. 

8. Silk Island
~ Small weaving village with nothing much to do. This place can be interesting if you never experience SE Asia country life. For me its look similar to my hometown where i grew up. We took ferry which the villagers use to travel from the island to mainland before heading to Phnom Penh. 

 (Patricia learn to weave)
 (so pretty)
 (similar to malay house)

(beach near village)

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