Ivy is Cinte

SaLSa, StILeTTos, BOOks, TraVELlingS, BoYs aNd EveRYthINg eLSe in BetWEen.

Friday, August 16, 2013

36 days until our big day

Stressed gila, today will be 36 days before our wedding...36!!!. So far everything goes well, everything booked and prepared and only have few more things to settle. 

Everybody ask if im ready to get marry, to become wife and my reply was "I feel ok but i am stressed because in one month everything have to settle". At the moment i haven't submit form to jabatan agama, don't even get signature from imam yet but thankfully nico's paper already approved and i hope by next week everything will be ok. 

Sekarang ni datang office, morning buat kerja petang buat apa yg patut utk wedding. Nak dijadikan cerita harini tertinggal USB kat umah so sah2 la tak leh buat apa, oleh kerana tu rajin la nak complaint kat sini. Geram sey..

I plan to continue doing tentative program today which i left half way yesterday, need to update my guest list, start doing seating arrangement chart but cannot. So i guess i have to find something else in order not to lose momentum. Maybe can continue downloading songs for reception, asking around who willing to be my emcee and pengapit for the malay part or select picture for montage. Even songs selection give me headache since we plan to do 1st half malay style and 2nd half french style. Need to entertain both side of guest and i was thinking to have some unique and not so typical wedding. So yeah, all the best to me....

Masa serabut camni la teringat movie wedding planner starring Jennifer Lopez. Planning for other people wedding ok lagi kot compare to prepare your own wedding. Ye la kan, bagi je duit kat orang and i can simply said i want exactly like this, habis cerita. Lagipun aku ni cerewet kot, perfectionist yg akhirnye nyusahkan diri sendiri. Jgn tiba hari majlis, aku nk micro manage everything sudah, mmg haru la jawapnye...but i believe if its well prepared, clear instruction, semua org yg membantu di hari persandingan nanti boleh paham dan dapat menjalankan tugas dengan jayanye....pergh, confident..ahahaahah

 (Boleh invite 80 of my friends je huhuhuhuhu)

 (baru 65% je ke?)

 (sapa nak jd emcee ni?)

 (Harini carik lagu, pastu leh tick lagi)

 (seating arrangement is mega headache)

 (Alamak, Videographer!!!!)

(Cake knife takkan pakai pisau dapur kan...)

Nasib baik ada wedding check list apps sbb handphone smart kan, senang sket dlm train, teksi boleh tengok2. Ni baru cite wedding preparation, blom cite preparation nak received 20 pax of guest dari France. Mana nak sediakan rumah utk semua org, kereta utk diaorg pergi masjid and majlis. Lagi best, on monday after wedding, kitaorg bawak these 20 pax of guest gi jalan2 Bali. Bukan honeymoon, cuma bawak diaorg berjalan since dh dtg jauh2 dr france takkan attend wedding je kan. So another headache nak booked flight, carik villa, transport kat bali, program kat sana for 20 pax. Gila tak gila la kan. Orang lain buat wedding prepare je, yg kitaorg bukan je wedding, tapi vacation ngan receiving skali. Nasib baik yg Bali tu kitaorg dh settle awal2, tp mmg serabut la bila pikir bab duit. Semua nak booked, semua nak bayar, semua nak keluar duit. Haduyai...

Kitaorg buat semua ni tak harapkan org. First of all tak nak nyusahkan org, pastu doesnt want to depends on others, semua kitaorg buat sendiri. Mintak tolong guest suruh confirm attendance je pun azab rasanye. Anyway, i hope everything goes well. So far, me and nico are a good team even though there's few time we have disagreement and difficulties. Alhamdulillah that god help us for smooth preparation so far and few minor test which we can handle. Ganbatte Ivy!!!!

Moh sambung carik lagu sambil berangan bersanding :D

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