Ivy is Cinte

SaLSa, StILeTTos, BOOks, TraVELlingS, BoYs aNd EveRYthINg eLSe in BetWEen.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Our Official Wedding : Interview at France Embassy

I write this immediately after we get back from France embassy at Jalan Ampang KL. We went there for interview purpose in order to get marry. I ask Nico what the purpose of this interview since we are not applying for spouse visa and he said he ask people from embassy and they cannot really explain it either. Basically it just an interview asking for permission to get married. The interview took around 30min and we will get our certificate after 2-3 weeks. So i'm not really sure if there's a possibility that our request to get marry is going to be rejected by his embassy or not. 

The woman then explain to us how they conduct the interview and one of us have to wait outside at the waiting room. So Nico went outside and i was the first one who been interviewed.

Question which she ask me : 

1. From where you know him?
2. When you know him?
3. Can you speak french?
4. Can you write in french?
5. Have you been to France?
6. Do you have family member in France?
7. Do you have any problem in France when you come for a visit?
8. Do you need visa?
9. What his work?
10. What he study?
11. Do he have any other side income besides this job?
12. Are you live together or separately?
13. If together who pay for the rent?
14. Where you going to live after married?
15. What language he speak?
16. What language you use to communicate?
17. What is his phone no?
18. When his birth date?
19. Where he born?
20. Where his parents live?
21. Do he have any brother and sister, have you meet them?
22. Where did you travel together and when?
23. Have you ever try to marry French man before? (i found this question funny)
24. Are you married before and have kids?
25. Do you see any problem with age different?
26. Are you going to do party for your wedding?
27. Who paying for the wedding?
28. Is his family coming for the wedding?
29. Is your family knows that you getting married?
30. What you do for living?

As i remembered, this is all the question she asked me. Quite a lot huh? She interviewed me and key in all the information on her computer. Basically she also ask Nico the same question but his session finish fast because Nico answer was mostly yes or no...huhuhuhu

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